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Work/Life Resources

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Find Your Work/Life Balance

Balancing work and life is not easy. 十大平台网赌提供了大量的资源,所以你可以找到你需要的帮助,让你和你的家人健康快乐.

Resources Available

Care@Work: a benefit that helps you find child care, pet walkers, senior caregivers, special needs caregivers, housekeepers, errand runners and more. Care@work允许您搜索当地的护理人员或创建并提交您自己的工作,背景调查的护理人员可以申请.

Life Mart一项提供独家优惠和儿童保育折扣的福利, education, nutrition services, and much more.

Helpful videos to get you started!


Sign up at: 创建您的帐户,并开始利用这个美妙的新福利!

Sign-Up Now

新方向行为健康(NDBH)员工援助计划是一个免费的保密工具,可以帮助你克服生活中的挑战,快乐地生活, balanced life. 新方向提供多种工作/生活咨询和服务,包括:

  • Family Resources: 育儿和婚姻支持,特殊需要资源,儿童和老人护理,宠物护理等.
  • Financial Resources: 预算资源、财政援助、遗产及退休、税务资源等.
  • Health Resource Library: Includes resources for Personal Growth, Resilience, Emotional Wellbeing, Health Videos, Legal Forms and more.
  • Legal Resources: 包括企业和公司的资源, Consumer law, Criminal Law, Immigration and Expatriation, Insurance Resources, Lawsuits and Mediations and more.
  • Mental Health and Crisis Support: Includes resources for Addiction, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, Suicide Resources, Violence and Abuse Resources and more.
  • Relationship Advice: 包括离婚和子女监护,人际关系,性健康等.
  • Stress Management Support: 包括常见的压力源,应对技巧和更多.
  • Substance Abuse Support: 包括了解成瘾,帮助亲人,处方药和更多的信息.
  • Webinars: 免费的员工和管理网络研讨会,以学习新技能,建立目标和与他人联系.
  • 24/7 Availability: 24/7全天候为您解答有关EAP福利的问题,并帮助您开始工作/生活需求.

Information about how Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator, 大学申诉专员可以帮助解决工作场所的问题.

Human Resources

人力资源办公室(HR)的作用是为整个大学提供人力资源职能的各个方面, including recruitment and employment; salary administration and job classification;  benefits administration; employee relations and conflict resolution; employee talent development; HRIS; employee disciplinary actions; and human resource policies and procedures.

如果您需要帮助,我们鼓励您尽可能拨打总机号码(1-508-793-7294).  If calling is not convenient, please email 我们将尽一切努力在24小时内作出回应.

根据美国残疾人法案和马萨诸塞州法律, 十大网赌平台为合格的残疾人士和怀孕或有怀孕相关疾病的员工提供合理的便利,使他们能够履行工作的基本职能, 进入工作场所,享有平等的就业福利和特权. 大学还在招聘过程中依法为合格的残疾人士提供合理的便利.

Title IX

Cherie Scricca, Title IX Coordinator

Jessica Brown, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Office 回应有关性别歧视的报告和关注, sexual harassment, 以及涉及十大网赌平台学生的其他形式的不当性行为, staff, and faculty.  Contact this office to report a concern, file a complaint, or get answers to questions regarding Title IX, sex discrimination, sexual harassment, 以及十大平台网赌为解决这些问题而制定的政策和程序.

University Ombudsperson

Israela Brill-Cass, University Ombudsperson

大学监察员的角色提供了一个非正式的, confidential, neutral, 为想要讨论任何问题的教职员工提供独立资源, issue, 或者冲突——不用担心报复或审判. As a member of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA),以色列的Brill-Cass订阅了IOA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice,包括保密性、独立性、中立性和非正式性.


For information on remote work, telecommuting, 和其他工作安排,请查看下面的远程工作和远程办公政策链接.

Download Remote Work and Telecommuting Policy

了解正念和完全活在当下的好处. 特色文章和资源,让你开始, 或者帮助你更深入地练习正念.

Learn More

哈佛朝圣者医疗保健和edHEALTH很自豪地为您的健康生活计划提供支持, which includes 虚拟尊巴®,瑜伽,引导正念,和健康会议.

Create a wellness account 开始参与有关健康饮食的活动, financial literacy, self-care, stress management, and volunteerism. 

Join edHEALTH’s  7th Annual June Walking Challenge!

edHEALTH再次与哈佛朝圣者医疗中心合作,举办年度步行挑战. 这项挑战将于2024年6月3日星期一开始,7月6日星期六结束. 我们鼓励你与你的同事联合起来,与其他教育健康学校竞争! 你不需要成为哈佛朝圣者会员参加.

Learn More Here!

如果你对步行挑战有疑问, email Living Well Support 或致电877-594-7183(周一至周五上午9点).m. to 5 p.m.). 

hand holding hand

Care.网站为Clark员工提供了Care@work和Life Mart的福利,以及许多有用的文章和指南. 下面显示了通过该应用程序提供的程序的深度.

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Employee Assistance Program

新方向行为健康(NDBH)员工援助计划是一个免费的保密工具,可以帮助你克服生活中的挑战,快乐地生活, balanced life.


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woman on headset at a help center de
Contact Information


Office Location

Geography Building
3rd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610

1-508-793-7294 Human Resources

1-508-793-7438 Payroll

1-508-793-8809 Fax

For Employment Verifications please email